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The Californian massage is a global approach which aims as much at relaxation as at the awakening of a mind-body awareness. This massage uses long, slow and fluid movements that allow deep physical and mental relaxation.

Starting with gentle, enveloping and relaxing strokes, the maneuvers follow one another and intensify to relieve deeper tensions. This can bring up and release hidden emotions, registered in the body memory. The more the massaged person abandons himself to the experience, the more he opens up to what Californian massage describes as touching the heart.

Deeply sensitive, the smooth running of the Californian massage totally depends on the connection between the giver and the receiver. Indeed, it is essential that the therapist is attentive and that the person being massaged is in total confidence.

Promote the emergence of body memory

By detecting the underlying tensions and emotions, the Californian massage helps people who have experienced trauma or are following a psychotherapeutic process to free themselves.

Provide great relaxation

The feeling of well-being caused by the Californian massage is conducive to reducing stress and anxiety.  

Improve blood circulation

The long movements help drain the venous and lymphatic circulation, which causes better oxygenation and irrigation of the tissues.

Become aware of your body and reclaim it

The Californian massage allows you to refocus on your bodily sensations and fully integrate them. This is why it is recommended for individuals who have undergone significant bodily changes (such as significant weight gain or loss).


30 min/ 50 Euros-60 min/ 80 Euros- 90 min/ 115 Euros


The muscle recovery massage is a must in your sports routine!


The muscle drainage practiced during the sports massage allows better oxygenation of the muscles and elimination of accumulated toxins and lactic acid, stimulates the muscles and neuromuscular fibers, improves blood and lymphatic circulation.  



  Accelerated recovery after exercise  


Reduction of general tensions


Prevention of accidents and injuries  


Performance optimization


Greater flexibility.


30 min/ 50 Euros-60 min/ 80 Euros- 90 min/ 115 Euros

Massage sportif


During pregnancy, you will see your life, if not turned upside down, at least greatly transformed. If you feel tired, or anxious nothing like massage to remedy it. The well-being that you will bring to your body will not fail to reflect on your mind.


Evacuate stress and promote sleep through massage


The massage releases a flood of endorphins, these famous anxiolytic substances (they soothe anxiety), painkillers and anti- stress . In unison, the specialists agree that massages help the future mother to  find serenity and a good balance between body and mind. The massage allows you  to approach childbirth  in the calm.


muscle action  


Deeper in specific areas, it brings real relief to tension and stiffness, direct consequences of physiological changes over the months of pregnancy. You will come out of the prenatal massage with a more supple and light body.  


Action on blood circulation  


The special pregnant woman massage has a draining action, and can reduce oedemas , stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation. Ideal if you have feelings of heaviness in the legs, or even in the hands. Prenatal massage can relieve cramps as well.


It also provides many benefits to the baby  


The fetus reacts to the emotions of the mother. He is able to feel his joys and his sorrows. Prenatal massage promotes the well-being of the mother, it has favorable repercussions on the fetus. Moms often feel during the massage in utero movements that are often soft and fuller, especially for those who usually have babies who move a lot or who like to tap in the ribs.


Massage to regain vitality


For no apparent reason, without particular overwork, you feel extremely tired. It's normal, your body does intense work. Massage is also a real treasure of vitality. Numerous tests carried out at the International Touch Research Institute (Miami) confirm that this manual technique plays an important role in homeostasis, the body's ability to maintain constant certain physiological conditions, in particular those of the immune system. The note of balance in a way.

In view of the results, there is an increase in the concentration of Immunoglobulin A, well known for its immune properties. A few sessions during these nine months therefore allow you to strengthen your energy potential and acquire better resistance.



For the pregnant woman the relationship to the body is fundamental. It is important that bodily sensations are accompanied by well-being. To get all the possible benefits from massage, "let's stretch the skin as we stretch our ears", suggests Alain Héril, sophro-analyst specializing in preparation for birth. It is therefore necessary to be available, to abandon oneself to the sensation, to listen to one's body. The massage becomes a break from which you will emerge radiant and relaxed.


60 min/ 80 Euros


Massge prénatal


Le massage du ventre Chi Nei Tsang est une technique ancienne ancrée dans la tradition taoïste.

Elle rééquilibre le système digestif, détoxique et réénergétise les organes en tenant compte de l'ensemble du système organique et donc des interactions entre chaque organe.  


Le système digestif permet le traitement des aliments, mais aussi des émotions. En effet, l'intestin grêle joue un rôle majeur dans la "digestion " des émotions passées et présentes. Le massage du ventre du ventre libère le vécu émotionnel non digéré et soulage ainsi le métabolisme de chaque organe. Il enclenche un cercle vertueux tant au niveau de la gestion émotionnelle que de l'équilibre organique; un organe sain fonctionne correctement et ne génère pas d'émotions inconfortables, des émotions digérées permettent d'alléger le vécu de chaque organe et favorise ses capacités  d'autoguérison.


Le centre du nombril est la porte entre le corps physique et le corps énergétique. Tous les canaux énergétiques qui ont créé le corps physiques sortent de là et y retournent, ils permettent la circulation de cette énergie originelle, essentielle à la guérison. Cette énergie merveilleuse ne peut circuler si des blocages obstruent les voix de passage. Le massage Chi Nei Tsang ouvre ses voies pour vous, contribuant ainsi à la restauration de votre force et de votre vigueur.


Ce travail autour du nombril a aussi un impact majeur dans notre façon "d'habiter" notre corps, il est essentiel pour réussir à se recentrer, mieux définir et percevoir ses limites corporels et affiner et enrichir son vécu corporel

Il participe ainsi à une meilleur gestion du stress, et permet d'apaiser les angoisses.


Le massage Chi Nei Tsang propose aussi un travail d'assouplissement du diaphragme qui libère la respiration, élément clé de la santé physique et émotionnelle.


75 min/ 90 Euros

La cure de trois massages Chi Nei Tsang/ 210 Euros soit 70 Euros le massage




Massage Chi Nei Tsang
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